Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Chapter IX : Case Study # 3 : Social Networking Disaster for Domino's

1.) Some observes believe taht if an organization does not respond to an attack on its brand within the first 24 hours, then the damage has been done - lack of management response is judged as an admission of guilt. Others feel that some time is required to gather facts and figure out what happened before responding. With the andvantage of 20/20 hindsight, how might Domino's have reacted more effectively?

As what i have read about the Dominos' issue it was a delay action. They should react earlier and pulled out the video from the Youtube Web site. Because the longer the video was in public the more damage and negative impacts to the Domino.

2.)Do you find it unusual that Domino's response was primarily through the online media rather than the usual printed press releases? Does this seem an effective and appropiate way to respond under these circumstances? Why or why not? Does Domino's use of the online  set a precedent for others to follow in the future?

No, Domino should response primarily on the printed press because in newspapers people can understand , react and give some opinions of the certain issue that the Domino's fast food is facing. Unlike in the You Tube , people can make also story about the burgers that they sell , give some negative impacts to the people who saw the video in You Tube site. 

3.)Identify three lessons that other companies could learn from Domino's experience.

Being in business world expect for competitors, and you should be ready for the next competition. In business, you should think first about the conclusion before you start involving yourself in business industry. The other companies should learn that in business you are ready to face all the challenges that your competitors doing. You should have more knowledge about what your businesses are and lastly you should have back - ups whenever your competitors are starting to make a story about or certain business. 

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