Sunday, May 13, 2012

Chapter V : Case Study # 3 : The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

1.)Visit the EFF Web site at and develop a list of its current "hot" issues. Research one EFF issue that interest you, and write a brief paper summarizing EFF's position. Discuss whether you support this position and why.

Global Network Initiative Gets an Inside Look at Tech Firms’ Human Rights Practices
NY Twitter Decision Fails to Recognize Content and Location Data Require a Warrant
And the privacy invasion award goes to …
EFF to Testify at Hearings on Expanding DMCA Exemptions for Jailbreaking and Video Remixing
The 2012 DMCA Rulemaking: A Primer
NY Twitter Decision Fails to Recognize Content and Location Data Require a Warrant
A New York judge's broad opinion, ordering Twitter to comply with a subpoena (PDF) and turn over account information about one of its users arrested for disorderly conduct in connection with an Occupy Wall Street protest, is worse the deeper you dig into it. 
The judge ruled (PDF) that the user, Malcolm Harris, lost ownership of his tweets once he posted them online, and therefore had no legal standing to challenge the subpoena. This decision prompted several worried responses, including our own, because our Fourth Amendment privacy rights should not be surrendered simply because we use online service providers that store information remotely. Even Twitter stepped in to defend Harris, filing a motion to quash (PDF) the subpoena.
The court's acceptance of the government's arguments for disclosure has resulted in a broad opinion that has far reaching consequences to free speech and privacy. The judge now has an opportunity to correct this error and grant Twitter's motion to quash the subpoena. If he doesn't, we hope that the New York appeals court will follow the direction of the Sixth Circuit with respect to contents of communications, and the Supreme Court with respect to location information, and insist on the protections of the Fourth Amendment.

2.)What reasons might a firm give for joining and supporting EFF?

 EFF is a nonprofit, international advocacy and legal organization based in the United States.It s goal is to protect fundamental civil liberties relating to the use of technology, including free speech, privacy, innovation and consumer rights. It frequently undertakes court cases as an advocate of preserving individual rights. EFF's mission includes educating the press, policy makes and the general public about the liberties. Electronic Frontier Foundation is helping people especially the IT Users and IT-related organizations to be more responsible and to build more knowledgeable marketplace for the products they are selling.

3.)The Vice President of public affairs for your midsized telecommunications equipment company has suggested that the firm donate 10,000 dollars in equipment and services to EFF and become a corporate sponsor. The CEO has asked if you,the CIO , support this action.What would you say?

Being the CIO , I would happily support the certain action. Because it can help EFF do its job well. And to be more reliable to its goal that to protect fundamental civil liberties relating to the use of technology, including free speech, privacy, innovation and consumer rights. And also if the Vice President of public affairs for our midsized telecommunications equipment company as become a corporate sponsor, the EFF would be provide some hardware, software and IT services.

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