Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Chapter IX : Vignette : Twitter Emerges as News Source for Iran Protesters

1.)Many people question the value of the Twitter's goal of helping people stay connected in real time. Do the events in Iran illustrate the potential value to society of social networking tools such as Twitter? Are there are other ways that Twitter and other social networks could be used by the people and organizations to add real value?

Social Networking Website is a site whose purpose is to create an online community of Internet users that enable members to breakdown barriers created by on time, distance and cultural differences. The Iran illustrates the potential value to society of social networking tools such as Twitter, it helped much the Iran using the Service to share commentary about the ongoing protest and to plan future rallies and protest. The Iranian government began to make use of Twitter to communicate its own message.

2.)How trustworthy is the information one gleans from social networks such as Twitter?

Members of an online social network may use the site to interact with friends, family members, and colleagues or just people they already knew. But they may also wish to develop new personal and professional relationships. When using Twitter, we should make sure that all of our personal information should not be presented in the social networking sites because some people may use your personal information in his/her unethical intention.

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