1.)Have have green computing efforts lowered the total cost of computer ownership?
Green Computing emphasizes the progress its making in removing toxic materials from all the computers. And for the competitors, green computing is a way to differentiate themselves to comsumers who have come to see green computing as an excellent opportunity to save money through reduced power consumption and to lessen their negative impact on the environment or in other words green computing is a tradition of environmentalism.
2.)Which approach can yield greater benefits - building greener computers or implementing programs that change users' behavior so that they operate their computers in a more responsible manner? Explain your response.
Implementing programs that change users' behavior so that they operate their computers in a more responsible manner. Because as a reliable and responsible computer user , we should already know that whenever we turn on our computers their is many impact to consume energy. To be responsible computer user, we should have time management when turning on the computer and when it should turn it off. We are just using energy and we should use it properly so that the impact to us is not so dangerous.
3.)Do research at the EPEAT Web site and determine which computer manufacturer currently has the best green computing ratings.
Historically, computers have posed a serious problem to the environment. Like other electronics, computers typically contain toxic chemicals such as arsenic, lead and mercury. Computers also typically use massive amounts of electricity, contributing to the energy crisis, carbon dioxide emissions and global warming. Many computers end up in landfills after their useful life cycles are over, despite laws prohibiting such disposal. Fortunately, there are several green technology makers that are making strides toward making greener computers. Even better, these companies are the ones that we all know and trust, such as Hewlett Packard, Dell, Apple and Lenovo. Their green computers and computer-related products are readily available, and they even provide recycling and buy-back programs to help you dispose of your unwanted computers, peripherals and other electronic devices.
In recent years, Hewlett Packard has introduced many Energy Star qualified computers onto the market, including several that have won high EPEAT ratings. For example, the HP EliteBook 2530p notebook computer is Energy Star 5.0 qualified and has earned EPEAT gold. Also, Hewlett Packard has qualified for the Environmental Protection Agency's SmartWay label, which is applied to products and services with reduced transportation emissions. HP is striving to use more recycled materials in its products and product packaging. HP has also instituted buy back and recycling programs for all brands of computers, monitors, printers, scanners and other computer technology. HP has its own huge recycling facility in Roseville, California which processes about 4 million pounds of electronics per month.
Monique Carrizza's Blog

Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Chapter X : Vignette : Problems with Suppliers
1.)How can an organization ensure that all the members of its supply chain will behave ethically?
The use of nontraditional workers, including temporary workers, contractors,consulting firms,H-1B visa workers, and outsourced offshore workers, gives an organization at a lower cost. The use of nontraditional workers also raises ethical issues for organizations.Employers must take ethical decisions about these sources or to spend the time and money to develop their current staff to meet the needs of the business.
2.)What responsibility does an organization have to ensure that its suppliers and business partners behave ethically?
Responsibility does an organization have to ensure that its suppliers and business partners behave ethically with the use of electronics and information communications technology (ICT) industry recognizes the need for a code to address ethical issues in the areas of worker safety and fairness, environmental responsibility, and business efficiency.
The use of nontraditional workers, including temporary workers, contractors,consulting firms,H-1B visa workers, and outsourced offshore workers, gives an organization at a lower cost. The use of nontraditional workers also raises ethical issues for organizations.Employers must take ethical decisions about these sources or to spend the time and money to develop their current staff to meet the needs of the business.
2.)What responsibility does an organization have to ensure that its suppliers and business partners behave ethically?
Responsibility does an organization have to ensure that its suppliers and business partners behave ethically with the use of electronics and information communications technology (ICT) industry recognizes the need for a code to address ethical issues in the areas of worker safety and fairness, environmental responsibility, and business efficiency.
Chapter IX : Case Study # 3 : Social Networking Disaster for Domino's
1.) Some observes believe taht if an organization does not respond to an attack on its brand within the first 24 hours, then the damage has been done - lack of management response is judged as an admission of guilt. Others feel that some time is required to gather facts and figure out what happened before responding. With the andvantage of 20/20 hindsight, how might Domino's have reacted more effectively?
As what i have read about the Dominos' issue it was a delay action. They should react earlier and pulled out the video from the Youtube Web site. Because the longer the video was in public the more damage and negative impacts to the Domino.
2.)Do you find it unusual that Domino's response was primarily through the online media rather than the usual printed press releases? Does this seem an effective and appropiate way to respond under these circumstances? Why or why not? Does Domino's use of the online set a precedent for others to follow in the future?
No, Domino should response primarily on the printed press because in newspapers people can understand , react and give some opinions of the certain issue that the Domino's fast food is facing. Unlike in the You Tube , people can make also story about the burgers that they sell , give some negative impacts to the people who saw the video in You Tube site.
3.)Identify three lessons that other companies could learn from Domino's experience.
Being in business world expect for competitors, and you should be ready for the next competition. In business, you should think first about the conclusion before you start involving yourself in business industry. The other companies should learn that in business you are ready to face all the challenges that your competitors doing. You should have more knowledge about what your businesses are and lastly you should have back - ups whenever your competitors are starting to make a story about or certain business.
Chapter IX : Vignette : Twitter Emerges as News Source for Iran Protesters
1.)Many people question the value of the Twitter's goal of helping people stay connected in real time. Do the events in Iran illustrate the potential value to society of social networking tools such as Twitter? Are there are other ways that Twitter and other social networks could be used by the people and organizations to add real value?
Social Networking Website is a site whose purpose is to create an online community of Internet users that enable members to breakdown barriers created by on time, distance and cultural differences. The Iran illustrates the potential value to society of social networking tools such as Twitter, it helped much the Iran using the Service to share commentary about the ongoing protest and to plan future rallies and protest. The Iranian government began to make use of Twitter to communicate its own message.
2.)How trustworthy is the information one gleans from social networks such as Twitter?
Members of an online social network may use the site to interact with friends, family members, and colleagues or just people they already knew. But they may also wish to develop new personal and professional relationships. When using Twitter, we should make sure that all of our personal information should not be presented in the social networking sites because some people may use your personal information in his/her unethical intention.
Social Networking Website is a site whose purpose is to create an online community of Internet users that enable members to breakdown barriers created by on time, distance and cultural differences. The Iran illustrates the potential value to society of social networking tools such as Twitter, it helped much the Iran using the Service to share commentary about the ongoing protest and to plan future rallies and protest. The Iranian government began to make use of Twitter to communicate its own message.
2.)How trustworthy is the information one gleans from social networks such as Twitter?
Members of an online social network may use the site to interact with friends, family members, and colleagues or just people they already knew. But they may also wish to develop new personal and professional relationships. When using Twitter, we should make sure that all of our personal information should not be presented in the social networking sites because some people may use your personal information in his/her unethical intention.
Chapter VIII : Case Study # 3 : Technological Advances Create Digital Divide in Health Care
1.)Can you provide examples that either refute or confirm the idea that a gap exist between the kinds of healthcare services avilable to the wealthy and the poor in the United States?
There are many ways to conform or refute the idea that a gap exists between the healthcare services available to the wealthy and the poor in the United States. The wealthy people can hire a doctor or a physician to look over the patient's illness while the poor people can't afford doctors/physician to look over them. Another example is wealthy people can go to see their doctors anytime to have a general check ups while the poor people cannot afford the fair going to the hospital/clinic.
2.)Should healthcare organizations make major investments in telemedicine to provide improved services taht only the wealthy can afford?
Telemedicine employs modern telecomunications and information technologies to provide medical care to people who lived far away from the health care providers. Wealthy people can afford the medical care services even they are just lived in urban place. This technology reduces the need for patients to travel for treatment and allows health care professionals to serve more patients in a broader geographic area.
3.)What are the drawbacks of telemedicine? What situations might not led themselves to telemedicine solutions?
On balance the benefits of telemedicine are substantial, assuming that more research will reduce or eliminate the obvious drawbacks. The main drawbacks of telemedicine that can be envisaged are : A breakdown in the relationship between health professional and patient.Next, a breakdown in the relationship between health professionals.And quality of information issues. When you live in or near a large city, having convenient access to needed medical care is easy to take for granted. Often a minor ailment can turn into something much more serious when not treated. Cisco Systems has developed a solution to bridge the gap of distance between patient and physician. The Telemedicine Solution is a technology platform that allows doctors and patients to interact while being miles apart.
Chapter VIII : Vignette : Western Cape Striving to Eliminate the Digital Divide
1.)How important is access to ICT in children's education?
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is very important access in children's education. It can help many students to be ready for their future jobs or for at least be at a higher starting point when they enter their tertiary studies in graphic design or music production. Also it can make students more reliable in making their assignments and projects easily. They are not ignorant about the new technologies in their generation. ICT educates the students and in the same time their educators.
2.)What are the barriers that stand in the way of universal access to ICT for everyone who wants it?
The barriers that stand in the way of universal access to ICT for everyone who wants are schools in rural areas at the same time they can't afford the ICT program for their school, some schools don't have enough space for their new computer laboratory, schools don't have any sponsorsto have the ICT program and so on.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is very important access in children's education. It can help many students to be ready for their future jobs or for at least be at a higher starting point when they enter their tertiary studies in graphic design or music production. Also it can make students more reliable in making their assignments and projects easily. They are not ignorant about the new technologies in their generation. ICT educates the students and in the same time their educators.
2.)What are the barriers that stand in the way of universal access to ICT for everyone who wants it?
The barriers that stand in the way of universal access to ICT for everyone who wants are schools in rural areas at the same time they can't afford the ICT program for their school, some schools don't have enough space for their new computer laboratory, schools don't have any sponsorsto have the ICT program and so on.
Chapter VII : Case Study # 3 : Patriot Missile Failure
1.)With the benefit of hindsight, what steps could have been taken during development of the Patriot software to avoid the problems that led to the loss of life? Do you think these steps would have improved the Patriot's effectivenessenought to make it obvious taht the missile was a strong deterrent against the Scud? Why or why not?
2.)What ethical decisions do you think the U.S Military made in choosing to deploy the Patriot missile to Israel and Saudi Arabia and in reporting the effectiveness of the Patriot system?
Shortly after Operation Desert Shield began, Patriot battalions were deployed to Saudi Arabia and then to Israel. These battalions were generally placed in permanent positions to defend key assets, military personnel, and citizens against Iraqi Scud missiles.
Because this was the first time the Patriot had been used to defend against Scud missiles, which fly at approximately MACH 5 (3750 mph), the Army had much to learn about tracking and intercepting them. To obtain Scud data, the Army relied on operational experience conveyed by Patriot users as well as other intelligence sources. With the launch of each Scud, the Army became more and more knowledgeable about the Scud's flight characteristics. Recorded data is another more useful tool that could have provided detailed data on the Patriot's actual performance. However, obtaining recorded performance data from Patriot units was hindered for two reasons.
First, the Patriot was not equipped with an embedded (internal) data recorder to retain system performance information. Second, although portable, external data recorders were available, U.S. commanders decided not to use them because they believed the recorders could cause an unanticipated system shutdown. However, Israeli commanders used data recorders on the Patriot systems they controlled and provided this data to the U.S. Army.
3.)What key lessons from this example of safety-critical software development could be applied to the development of business information system software?
Software development tools have direct and growing impact on the effective and efficient development of complex, safety-critical, real-time avionics systems and consequently on the safety of the flying public. The developed avionics system software must be shown to comply with airworthiness requirements, which include functional, quality of service, and safety requirements. The development processes performed by modern software development tools can be extremely complex and provide opportunities to automate the collection and documentation of evidence that the system requirements are met and that the development processes do not compromise the developed software requirements.
The Patriot is a surface-to-air defence missile system manufactured by Raytheon3 and used by the United States Army, originally designed to protect against Soviet cruise missiles and medium to high altitude aircraft. In order to avoid detection it was mobile and would only operate for a few hours at a time.
During Operation Desert Shield (the operation to move forces to the Gulf region), Patriot battalions were deployed in strategic locations in Saudi Arabia and Israel to defend key assets, military personnel, and citizens against Scud missiles launched by Iraqi forces.
Each battalion usually comprised of six batteries, with each battery containing a number of components including a single ground based radar unit used for surveillance target detection and tracking, an Engagement Control Station to control missile interceptors, eight missile launchers, as well as various communications and relay components.4
The Patriot’s weapon control computer performs crucial system functions for tracking and intercepting targets, as well as other control tasks. The system tracked and intercepted missiles in a number of stages:
- The system was instructed to search for airborne objects with Scud missile characteristics (based on information such as velocity, latitude, longitude, azimuth, and altitude) on its radar.
- A range gate, an electronic device in the radar, calculates an area in the air space for where the system should look next for the incoming missile. The missile is tracked by the system as it approaches.
- The Patriot would launch one of it’s own missiles once the incoming missile was in range.
Shortly after Operation Desert Shield began, Patriot battalions were deployed to Saudi Arabia and then to Israel. These battalions were generally placed in permanent positions to defend key assets, military personnel, and citizens against Iraqi Scud missiles.
Because this was the first time the Patriot had been used to defend against Scud missiles, which fly at approximately MACH 5 (3750 mph), the Army had much to learn about tracking and intercepting them. To obtain Scud data, the Army relied on operational experience conveyed by Patriot users as well as other intelligence sources. With the launch of each Scud, the Army became more and more knowledgeable about the Scud's flight characteristics. Recorded data is another more useful tool that could have provided detailed data on the Patriot's actual performance. However, obtaining recorded performance data from Patriot units was hindered for two reasons.
First, the Patriot was not equipped with an embedded (internal) data recorder to retain system performance information. Second, although portable, external data recorders were available, U.S. commanders decided not to use them because they believed the recorders could cause an unanticipated system shutdown. However, Israeli commanders used data recorders on the Patriot systems they controlled and provided this data to the U.S. Army.
3.)What key lessons from this example of safety-critical software development could be applied to the development of business information system software?
Software development tools have direct and growing impact on the effective and efficient development of complex, safety-critical, real-time avionics systems and consequently on the safety of the flying public. The developed avionics system software must be shown to comply with airworthiness requirements, which include functional, quality of service, and safety requirements. The development processes performed by modern software development tools can be extremely complex and provide opportunities to automate the collection and documentation of evidence that the system requirements are met and that the development processes do not compromise the developed software requirements.
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